TBT: Miss Mandy…

So many of you may know about our annual 4th of July trip to Catalina.  For those of you who don’t, I highly suggest you watch the video below.  I mean, even if you are aware of the trip, you should still watch it.

We are boarding the beautiful Miss Mandy once again this weekend – leaving early Saturday morning and returning on Monday.  Fourteen, yes 14, of us will be on board, and I just really cannot wait.  The weekend will consist of lots of Coors Light, Coronas, epic music, comedy courtesy of The Donald, and most importantly good company.

miss mandyPhoto cred: Neek 

Major shout out and thank you to the Trojan family for organizing this every year and allowing a bunch of rowdy folks to get on your boat.

Alright, no more typing.  Watch below!

Oh, and it’s #SocialMediaDay.  Every day is honestly social media day but today is the day it’s being celebrated on social media – how ironic.


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Throwback Thursday: ‘Murica

Please watch the video below to see what went down on Miss Mandy during last year’s 4th of July celebrations to Catalina with some of the most epic people I’ve met in CA thus far.

Droning and video editing credit:  Nick Trojan.  Unfortunately, he won’t be on the boat this year since he’s off doing kewl rowing things.

Thank you again to Mandy, Nick, The Don (our captain), and Jawnet (the hostess with the mostess) for taking us (I think I can speak for the crew) on their boat to experience one of the best weekends of the year!

Happy celebrating, everyone!  And in the words of Deb, ‘make smart choices.’

‘I looooove ‘Murica!’  -The Donald

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