0 to 100 Real Quick

So this piece is dedicated to my 100th post on californyinz!  While 100 may seem like a lot of blog posts, I really wish it was more.  I’m going to make it a personal goal to produce more content about music news, as well as more opinionated pieces.

I wanted to write about something special for my 100th post and to be honest, I was struggling with what that topic should be.  But then, it hit me!  Last night the L.A. Leakers (yes, a play-on-words of LA Lakers) dropped a highly-anticipated song called ‘Ball Like This’ during Power 106’s nightly #LiftOff segment.  Featuring Kid Ink, Future, and Wiz Khalifa, this song couldn’t have dropped at a more appropriate time with this being my 100th post.   After reading what this song was about, the motivation behind it, and obviously after hearing the actual song, it all made sense.  The song is an anthem to pump you up about your goals and aspirations.  Well, creating a blog has always been a goal of mine (check) and making it even bigger is my aspiration (in progress).

“‘Ball Like This’ celebrates the aspirations of the kid growing up in South Central to the kid creating that new tech start up.  We all make sacrifices to get where we want to be.  YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT TAKES TO BALL LIKE THIS!” -from Justin Credible‘s** Instagram post

Creddy Ball Like This

Not only is the song a true club banger (and the artwork is dope), but just the passion and dedication behind it all is the type of stuff that gives me the feels and motivates me to achieve and excel in my own passions and goals.  I have always admired the work of the Power 106 staff and look forward to what they will produce or create next!  I swear most of my posts are written while I’m listening to this type of music, and it just fuels the fire (it’s LIT).


I’ve learned a lot since launching californyinz back in March through other blogs, social media workshops, my current job, and talking to epic people.  I can’t wait to do more with this and look forward to sharing more experiences and thoughts with you!  So cheers to 100+ more!

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PS – Happy #NationalDoughnutDay!  The other doughnut day occurs in June.  Yes, I celebrated – thanks, Chad. 🙂

**And yes, Justin Credible is one of the ‘dumb DJs’ who was accused of being sexist during a recent Ariana Grande interview.  For the record, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Creddy a few times, and he’s really one of the nicest and most down-to-earth people, so the haters can shush.  If anything, Ariana made it a sexist issue.  Any who.

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